About us

My name is Anna, and I am the designer for the kids clothing line Kitty Bear Hugs. Today I would like to share with you why this company was started, what values it is based on, and what services we bring every day to our customers.
I have to start from a personal story of coming to the USA at the age of fifteen as an International student. I ended up graduating from High School and then entered the University. For the next twelve years, I will be living on my own. Yes, you understood correctly, no parents and no relatives. I am sharing this information with you because it gives you the foundation of the most important things I have learned over these years: family and investing in your kids.
I will skip right into my motherhood. Becoming a mom got me asking questions about getting cute clothing of good quality material (non-allergenic) that feels comfortable to the child and
looks adorable. I was challenged in finding readily available options without either having to join numerous boutique groups, chasing their releases, and feeling at times frustrated that I could not land what I needed. So, the idea of Kitty Bear Hugs was born with the goal to provide high-quality kids clothes using 100% organic material that is ready to be shipped.